High Q-factor Low Pass Filters
High Q-factor Low Pass Filters
Ultra Low Loss
High Rejection
Excellent Return Loss
Flat Passband
High Stability
High RFI Shielding
Precision Connectors
Precision Mechanical Structure
  Item LPFA2 - 787
  Impedance 75 Ohm
  Pass Band 5 - 787 MHz
  Stop Band 791 - 1000 MHz
  Dimensions (incl. M/F connectors) 30.8(H) x 180(W) x 74.3(D) mm
  Net Weight 328.5g
 * Specifications may be change depending on the model or customer's requirement.

The LPFAx-xxx is a low pass filter series with high Q-factor.

This series low pass fiter feature ultra-low loss and high-steep rejection that make it can application in some special requirement such as used to filter LTE signal for DVB system, or application in CATV head end to filter unwanted TV channels.

In addition, this series low pass filter can also be designed as 50 ohm for application in 50 ohm communication system.

Welcome customization, for more details on inquires, please refer to Custom Filters.

Related products, LTE filters

Model Pass Band Model Pass Band
LPFA1 - 450 5 - 450 MHz LPFA2 - 694 5 - 694 MHz
LPFA1 - 480 5 - 480 MHz LPFA2 - 758 5 - 758 MHz
LPFA1 - 500 5 - 500 MHz LPFA2 - 766 5 - 766 MHz
LPFA1 - 550 5 - 550 MHz LPFA2 - 774 5 - 774 MHz
LPFA1 - 600 5 - 600 MHz LPFA2 - 787 5 - 787 MHz
LPFA1 - 650 5 - 650 MHz LPFA2 - 790 5 - 790 MHz