DB10 Series
N connector type DC block
Up to 3 GHz
Low Insertion Loss
Excellent Return Loss
Brass Tubes Hosing
Precision Connector Thread
Excellent Mechanical Structure
Exquisite Plating Quality


DB10 series


75 Ohm

  Frequency Range

5M Hz - 3G Hz

 Insertion Loss (53000 MHz)

0.3dB (TYP)

  Return Loss (515 MHz)

14dB (typ) / 10dB (min)

  Return Loss (163000 MHz)

20dB (typ) / 16dB (min)

  Connector Type

Male & Female N-type


Brass / Nickel Plating

 Voltage Rating

50/100/250 VDC


Phosphorus copper / Gold Plating


21 (¢) × 57.5 (L) mm

  Net Weight

82 g

* Specifications may be change depending on the model or customer's requirement.

The DB10 series is N connector type DC blocks, boasts very low loss and excellent return loss up to 3 GHz.

This makes this series an indispensable laboratory grade DC block.


Pass Band

DC Withstanding

DB10 - 31101

5 - 3000 MHz

50 V

DB10 - 31201

5 - 3000 MHz

100 V

DB10 - 31401

5 - 3000 MHz

250 V